Themis Partner
Understanding the Business Tax System in Malaysia
Overview of Business Tax System in MalaysiaThe Malaysian business tax system is governed by the Income Tax Act 1967 and is administered by…
What is personal data protection act in Malaysia? (PDPA)
Personal Data Protection Act in Malaysia: Understanding the BasicsThe Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) is a comprehensive data…
Starting an Online Business in Malaysia: What you have to know
Legal considerations for starting online business in MalaysiaStarting online business in Malaysia requires careful attention to legal…
How to Setup a Business Partnership in Malaysia?
Understanding Business Partnership in MalaysiaBusiness partnerships are a popular form of business entity among entrepreneurs.…
What are the important clauses in a business contract?
Introduction to Business Contracts: The Importance of ClausesBusiness contracts are a crucial component of any commercial agreement, as…
What is San Bhd in Malaysia?
San Bhd company in Malaysia: Understanding the Company Registration ProcessSan Bhd is a company that is registered in Malaysia. The process…
How to get listed for IPO in Malaysia?
Understanding the basics of IPO MalaysiaBefore a company can proceed with an IPO, it must first be registered as a business entity with the…
What is Business License Requirements in Malaysia?
Understanding the importance of business licenseFor entrepreneurs in Malaysia, after Company Registration, obtaining a Business License is…
What are Companies Act 2016 Major changes?
Understanding the major changes of the Companies Act 2016The Companies Act 2016 is a significant piece of legislation that governs the…
How to register a company with SSM in Malaysia?
Registering your company with SSM in MalaysiaRegistering your company with SSM in Malaysia is a straightforward process, but it’s…
What is MSME registration Status in Malaysia?
What Is MSME registration status in Malaysia?MSME Registration Status in Malaysia refers to the Company Registration process that small and…
What are the difference between PCAOB and AICPA audits?
Understanding the PCAOB and AICPA audits differencesThe PCAOB and AICPA audits are two important types of audits used in Malaysia to ensure…
When to pay the Paid-Up capital in Malaysia?
Understanding the concept of paid-up capital in MalaysiaPaid-up capital refers to the amount of capital that has been paid by shareholders…
What is MSIC Business Code in Malaysia?
Understanding the role of MSIC Business Code in MalaysiaDuring the Company Registration process, companies are required to provide…
What is SSM and CCM in Malaysia?
The role of SSM and CCM in Malaysia's business environmentThe Companies Commission of Malaysia (CCM) is the statutory body responsible for…
How to choose board members for your company in Malaysia?
Understanding the Role of Board Members in MalaysiaBoard members play a critical role in the governance of companies in Malaysia.…
How to Transfer Business Ownership in Malaysia?
Understanding Business Ownership Transfer in MalaysiaBusiness ownership transfer refers to the process of transferring the ownership of a…
How do you build a brand name in Malaysia?
Importance of Building a Strong Brand Name in MalaysiaTo build a brand name is crucial for any business operating in Malaysia. A strong…
Opening and operating a franchise in Malaysia
Franchising in MalaysiaFranchising is a popular business model in Malaysia, and it’s important for franchisors to navigate the legal…
Key tips to keeping corporate minutes in Malaysia
Understanding the Importance of Corporate MinutesCorporate minutes are essential documents that record the proceedings and decisions of a…
Steps to starting a consulting business in Malaysia
Key Steps to Registering Your Consulting BusinessStarting a consulting business in Malaysia requires several key steps to ensure compliance…
Why your company needs a professional logo?
Importance of a Professional Logo for ComplianceIn Malaysia, legal obligations mandate companies to have a professional logo that complies…
Tips for preventing small business lawsuits in Malaysia
Local Laws and Regulations for Small Business OwnersFor small business owners in Malaysia, understanding local laws and regulations is…
Protect yourself and your money with a promissory note in Malaysia
What are Promissory Notes in Malaysia?A promissory note is a legally binding document that serves as a written promise between a lender and…
Understanding transfer pricing in Malaysia
Transfer Pricing Regulations in MalaysiaNavigating transfer pricing regulations in Malaysia can be a daunting task for businesses,…
Profit repatriation: Transferring money out of Malaysia
Methods for Profit Repatriation from MalaysiaWhen it comes to repatriating profits from Malaysia, businesses have several methods to choose…
Corporate compliance requirements for Malaysian companies
Malaysia's Corporate Compliance LandscapeMalaysia’s corporate compliance landscape refers to the legal and regulatory requirements…
Accounting in Malaysia: An introduction
Understanding Accounting Principles in MalaysiaAccounting principles in Malaysia are based on the Malaysian Financial Reporting Standards…
Understanding employees provident fund (EPF) in Malaysia
How Employees Provident Fund (EPF) WorksThe Employees Provident Fund (EPF) is a mandatory savings scheme for Employees in Malaysia. Under…
Hiring local & foreign employees in Malaysia
Hiring Local Employees in MalaysiaHiring local employees in Malaysia involves complying with a range of legal and administrative…
Types of company shares in Malaysia
Ordinary Shares: Features and BenefitsOrdinary shares are the most common types of company shares issued in Malaysia, and they represent…
Double taxation agreements in Malaysia
Features and Benefits of Double Taxation AgreementsDouble Taxation Agreements (DTAs) are bilateral agreements between countries to prevent…
Corporate income tax in Malaysia
Malaysia's Corporate Income Tax SystemMalaysia has a territorial corporate income tax system, which means that companies are taxed on…
What are the duties and responsibilities of Directors in Malaysia?
Legal Duties of Directors in MalaysiaIn Malaysia, directors of companies have several legal duties that they must fulfill under the…
Set the rules with your Business partner in Malaysia
Roles and Responsibilities of Business Partner in MalaysiaIn Malaysia, business partners play an important role in the success of companies…
Freelance Contract vs. Employment Contract
Why is the employment contract more secure?An Employment Contract provides greater job security for employees in Malaysia compared to a…
How to Write a Dismissal Letter in Malaysia?
Stating the reason for wanting to write a dismissal letterIn Malaysia, an employer is required by law to state the reason for dismissing an…
Hiring an Employee in Malaysia
Is Employment Agreement mandatory to hire an employee in Malaysia?Yes, employment agreements are mandatory in Malaysia. The Malaysian…
How to start doing business in Malaysia?
Start doing business with the right business structureChoosing the right business structure is a critical to start doing business. It…
What is a sell agent commission entitled to in Malaysia?
What a sell agent commission is entitled to in Malaysia The commission entitled to a real estate agent, also known as a property or sell…
What Is considered a patentable idea in Malaysia?
Patentable idea : novelty In Malaysia, to register a patent, one of the key requirements is that the invention must be novel. Novelty…
What is labor law in Malaysia?
Understanding the basics of labor lawLabor law in Malaysia is a body of legislation that governs the rights and obligations of employees…
How to transfer property in Malaysia?
How to draft a Sale and Purchase Agreement?Drafting a Real Estate Sale and Purchase Agreement is a crucial step in order to transfer…
How to sublet property in Malaysia?
Reviewing your lease agreement to sublet propertyThe first thing to check to sublet property is whether the lease agreement allows for…
How to rent a property in Malaysia?
Determining your budget and needs to rent a propertyDetermining your budget and rental needs is a crucial first step when wanting to rent a…
How to protect a business idea in Malaysia?
How to legally protect confidential information?Legal protection refers to the measures taken by individuals or businesses to safeguard…
How to evaluate the performance of an employee?
Establishing performance standards to evaluate the performance of an employeePerformance standards provide a clear set of expectations for…
How to terminate an employee in Malaysia?
Evaluating the grounds to terminate an employeeThe employer can first write a Warning Letter in order to to alert the employee. If this is…
How business comply with law in Malaysia?
Business compliance: Company law in MalaysiaCompany law in Malaysia governs the formation, operation, and dissolution of corporations in…