Hiring employee Malaysia

Hiring an Employee in Malaysia

Our expert advice will help you navigate the hiring process with confidence and find the right talent for your…

Start doing business Malaysia

How to start doing business in Malaysia?

All essential steps and information on requirements and regulations to register a company.

Sales agent commission Malaysia

What is a sell agent commission entitled to in Malaysia?

Gain a better understanding of this aspect of the real estate industry by reading our informative post.

Patentable ideas Malaysia

What Is considered a patentable idea in Malaysia?

Get a clear understanding of patent law in Malaysia and ensure your ideas are eligible for protection.

Labor law Malaysia

What is labor law in Malaysia?

Learn more about Malaysia's labor law and regulations, including employee rights and employer responsibilities.

Transfer property Malaysia

How to transfer property in Malaysia?

To transfer property in Malaysia requires a series of legal steps that we explain in our guide.

Sublet property Malaysia

How to sublet property in Malaysia?

Get expert advice and practical tips to ensure a smooth and successful subletting experience.

Rent your property Malaysia

How to rent a property in Malaysia?

Discover the essential steps and insider tips on how to rent a property in Malaysia with ease.

Protect business idea Malaysia

How to protect a business idea in Malaysia?

Learn how to protect your intellectual property, trademarks, patents, and copyrights.

Evaluate employee performance Malaysia

How to evaluate the performance of an employee?

Process of how to evaluate employee performance in Malaysia, including the key steps, considerations, and best…

Terminate employees Malaysia

How to terminate an employee in Malaysia?

Learn how to terminate an employee in Malaysia with our expert guide.

Business compliance Malaysia

How business comply with law in Malaysia?

Gain insights and expert tips on how to stay on top of the legal requirements and avoid legal issues.

Legal assistant Malaysia

BERENICE L. Legal Assistant

Do you have more questions?

If you have further questions specific to your situation, we recommend scheduling a free 30-minute consultation with our experts in Malaysia.